Sunday, February 28, 2016

6 Weeks and Counting. 3 Weeks til Race Day.

I feel like it's time for a post after not having a drink for nearly 6 weeks.  It's been easier than I thought, though I still have times when I feel like not drinking forever isn't so attainable. But this six weeks has been good and I remind myself of that every day. I guess it's a little like marathon running. I'm in it and need to make sure "I finish" at all costs.

My family life (aging parents and small children) is always pretty chaotic. Since I've been on antidepressants and not drinking it's been easier. Why? Not waking up in the middle of the night helps. Not waking up with a hangover helps and just feeling like I'm doing the right think helps too. My husband and my sister know I'm not drinking and they are incredibly supportive, so that helps too. There is a sense of relative calm that I have not had in a long time.

Last night I went out to dinner with my family. My mother, sister and brother in law all had a martini (or two in my mom's case). The hardest part for me is ordering the seltzer. I've realized that once the ordering is over I feel more relaxed. When I wake up feeling good, I'm happy to have abstained. I'm going to start making some "mocktails" in the next little while, so I have something to look forward to at cocktail hour.

People who've known me as a runner are always so surprised that I drank as much as I did. Now that I'm not drinking I feel like a real athlete. I'm treating my body well and the "wine belly" that I was developing has completely gone. I'm toned and in shape. I'm running the NYC Half Marathon  3 weeks from today. I have a fantasy of running a PR (personal record), which would be tough, because my best race was 4 years ago and the aging process is not stopping. I feel like I deserve a "good race" after all the hard work of the past few weeks. I'll keep you posted.


  1. That 'sense of calm' is one of the things I like the very best about this (nearly) not drinkng program. The critical, fault-finding, recriminatory voice in my head..seems to have just packed up and left. And good riddance!

    I should think your dedication to running will be a good thing for you....certainly should jump start the weight loss and other positive physical changes I expect you'll be seeing.

    Good luck with the upcomng marathon - and with maintaining the 'new you!'

    1. Thank you. Words like yours are encouraging to me. I never realized (until this time) how positive this change could be.

  2. can't wait to hear about the race!

    1. Thanks! I'm getting a bit nervous, but I always do :)
