Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Wow. I haven't slept normally in quite some time. After several glasses of wine, it's quite normal to wake up at 3am and feel like crap (emotionally and physically) and lay awake for several hours, down some water, before eventually drifting off to sleep until it's time to get the kids off to school. Every day I would feel guilty and exhausted about the night before. What a way to live! No more.

Today I actually did wake up at 3, but I didn't feel bad. I fell back to sleep easily and was able to get up cheerfully to send my son and daughter off. I made a new egg recipe that got two thumbs up and sent #1 off to the bus stop, no problem. This was my reward for resisting wine at an art opening last night and having seltzer with a splash of cranberry at dinner. Note to self: They never put a true "splash" in the seltzer. I don't like it, too sweet for me. Gotta find a better alternative. Any suggestions?

It's taken a couple weeks but I can see that the alcohol free existence is already making me feel better, both physically and mentally. I have "quit" before but since I'm serious this time I'm taking note of all the positives and I like them so far. I have to assume that my training will be better too. Looking forward to seeing how the build up to my next big race in late March goes.


  1. look forward to your blog, i am a runner too although a bit injured for a while. I would suggest you get yourself some good books to keep the momentum going

    1. Thanks. I think the good books are a great idea. Unfortunately, I haven't read a lot in years, probably due to the drinking and anxiety. Sorry to hear about the injury. I know how frustrating that is.
