Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday Afternoon Challenges

Today was actually a really good day. I realized after more than two weeks of being AF I finally am not exhausted when I awake up everyday. This is truly motivation for me. I feel so much better. 

One thing I am doing differently this attempt is that I'm taking an SSRI to help with my depression/anxiety. I started the medication about a week after I stopped drinking (so, 10 days ago). I know that the medication takes a few weeks to start working so I'm a bit on pins and needles until then. But knowing that I'm doing something productive (supervised by a professsional!) is helping me through this anxious time.

Friday, right about now, closing in on 6pm is tough though. I'm used to cracking open the bottle of wine and winding down. Tonight I'm sitting with a bowl of cashews to ease my hunger and keep myself busy. 

This weekend I'm scheduled for a 12 mile run and a Super Bowl Party. The run will be much easier than the angst at the party. I'm up for the challenge and maybe I'll even remember the commercials :) 

Have a great weekend!

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